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15/8/2024 Webinar on Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U)

Press Room

15/8/2024 Webinar on Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U)

NCID x AfA Community Education is a community-based webinar aimed to educate general population about HIV related topic and is joint-organized by National Centre for Infectious Diseases, Enhanced HIV Programme (NCID, EHIVP) and Action for AIDS (AfA).

NCID x AfA Community Education will be held via Zoom on 15 Aug 2024, Thursday, 1830PM to 1930PM.

Dr Choy Chiaw Yee will share about U=U, Undetectable = Untransmittable.

Register by scanning the QR code on the poster or by clicking the “Register here!” button.

Attending this event can be used to claim GIPA hours.