AfA Media Statement on the unauthorised possession and disclosure of information from MOH’s HIV Registry – 28 January 2019
AFA Media Statement responding to Health Minister’s Parliamentary Statement on HIV Data Leak
Action for AIDS is heartened by the Minister’s call to destigmatize HIV and to protect people living with HIV (PLHIV) from discrimination in accessing healthcare, stable employment and acceptance in society.
Verbal calls to destigmatize HIV infection and PLHIV must be followed-up with real action. Measures need to be put in place to protect PLHIV, to progress from mere guidelines to actual laws with teeth and to ensure that they have access to affordable medical care, education, jobs, health and life insurance.
Last but not least we urge anyone who comes across information from the HIV data leak to refrain from sharing the information and to report the source of that information to the police or the Ministry of Health immediately.
We also urge the Government to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, any person who participates in spreading such information.
Prof Roy Chan
Action for AIDS Singapore
The HIV Registry Data Leak – Time for Change to reduce stigma
We can address HIV-related stigma by asking these questions. Why do we still perceive HIV infection as a reflection of a person’s moral character?
Should our policies be reviewed in an evidence-based manner to ensure vulnerable members of society are protected?
Are HIV laws helping, or do they have the opposite effect of increasing stigma and discrimination?
President of Action for AIDS, Prof Roy Chan calls for change to HIV laws and an end to HIV-related stigma and discrimination.
Article was first published in the Straits Times on Jan 31, 2019, 9:00 PM SGT, the entire article detailing what needs to change can be accessed on our site.
Media Statement on behalf of the President, Action for AIDS, Singapore.
Action for AIDS is aware of unauthorised possession and disclosure of information from MOH’s HIV Registry.
We request that you refer to the Ministry of Health’s press release at for details.
Action for AIDS is deeply troubled by this incident that has the potential of damaging the lives of persons living with HIV and their loved ones.
We stand with all whose private information may have been accessed and violated. This is a criminal act that should be condemned and answered in the most severe terms possible.
We would like to urge members of the public to refrain from speculation and gossip. Do not share this confidential and private information if you see it, we encourage members of the public who have any information or have other concerns to contact the MOH hotline at 6325 9220.
We understand that this is a trying time for the many who are affected by this breach, and we would like to express our solidarity as a community that have been affected by HIV. Rest assured that support is available. Please reach out to your respective hospital’s care unit or your medical social workers and counsellors.
If we all stand firm in this matter, we can limit the damage of this theft.
Prof Roy Chan
Action for AIDS, Singapore
Available Support
Samaritans of Singapore
1800 221 4444 (24 hours a day)
[email protected]
If you or your friend is suicidal, please reach out for support.
If you or someone you know is in immediate harm, call 24-hour emergency medical services at 995 or approach your nearest A&E.
+65 6254 0212 (Hotline)
Mon to Fri – 10am to 5pm (Text Support)
Emergency Care Fund
The Emergency Care Fund is in response to recent cases of termination of employment of PLHIV. AfA will provide interim financial support to persons living with HIV who have been unfairly terminated from work for no other reason than being HIV-infected. AfA will also assist and engage parties concerned to mediate and address any misunderstanding and concerns.
6325 9220
Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 5.30pm
Weekends and Public Holidays: Closed
- If you receive a threat, be calm, take down the number and lodge a complaint with MOH. That will trigger an investigation and the police will be notified
- If you have any information or come across any confidential and private information, report it. Help us end the cycle.
National Center for Infectious Disease (NCID)
6357 1000 (multi-line hotline for general public)
6357 7900 (patients of NCID)
Monday to Friday – 9am to 4pm
Social workers and counsellors are available
Oogachaga Counselling Services
6226 2002 (Hotline counselling)
8592 0609 (Whatsapp counselling)
Tue, Wed, Thu: 7pm-10pm; Sat: 2pm-5pm
6226 6629 (Hotline for women who identify as LBTQ+: lesbian, bisexual, transgender, questioning or queer.
Wed: 7pm-10pm
[email protected] (Email counselling)
如果你因為這次的資料外洩而被影響,或被騷擾,可以嘗試聯絡以下單位,尋求協助. 記得,你並不孤單,我們與你同在。
(03) 4044-5455
(03) 4044-5466
Monday thru Friday, from 7:30pm – 9:30pm
All calls are anonymous and confidential
马来西亚的朋友,如果有需要的话,请打电话到 PTFoundation(同志协会)(03) 4044-5455 or (03) 4044-5466。热线开至星期一至五, 旁晚7:30至 9:30.
如果您在新家坡您可以拨打卫生部+65 6325 9220 或者新家坡爱之病行动小组的热线 +65 62540212. 请不要慌。我们一步一步来。
大马愛滋病理事会 (Malaysia AIDS Council)
1)*如果你因此而被而被人威脅/勒索,可以聯絡他们. MAC有一个律师专门处理这些投诉
日间辅导:周一及周五 10am-12pm & 2pm-4pm;周六 2pm-5pm
晚间辅导:周一至周五 7pm-10pm
電話:辅导热线 + 603-4265 7995
Here is what you can do to end discrimination at your workplace
One of the first steps in a company’s response to HIV is to identify local resources. What sources of information, technical expertise, services, educational materials and supplies exist locally? What has been the experience of other companies? Who can help the company design and implement a program?
- Talk to a colleague in another company;
- Consult health and social services authorities;
- Consult the SNEF and their guidelines on managing HIV at the workplace;
- Talk to Action for AIDS, Singapore.
EDUCATEIncreasing the awareness of HIV, and the acceptance of PLHIVs must be considered as part of a company’s wider framework of diversity and inclusion. We can help you plan and execute awareness and education events at your workplace. Drop an e-mail to our advocacy and partnerships manager if you would like to find out more. |
NEF GUIDELINESIn an effort to bring peace of mind in a time of crisis, Action for AIDS, Oogachaga, Project X, The T Project, in collaboration with Be Inclusive, call on the business leaders of Singapore to demonstrate their commitment to workplaces that are inclusive, where employees are protected from stigma and discrimination. We ask employers to pledge that:
We empathise with the individuals who are suffering as a result of this criminal act. With the business and community sector working together, ignorance and misinformation will not be allowed to win the day. |
MAKE A REPORTIf you have experienced discrimination at the workplace relating to age, gender, race, religion, language, marital status and family responsibility or disability, you can submit a confidential report to the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) or directly to us. Your identity and safety is most important, and will be treated with care. |
Action for AIDS launches Emergency Care Fund (Updated 31/Jan/2019)
The Emergency Care Fund is in response to recent cases of termination of employment of PLHIV. In light of recent development, AfA will provide interim financial support to persons living with HIV who have been unfairly terminated from work for no other reason than being HIV-infected. AfA will also assist and engage parties concerned to mediate and address any misunderstanding and concerns.
Who is this for?
If you (or someone you know) have been terminated from work for being HIV positive, are undergoing regular HIV follow-up and treatment, and are not already receiving funding or any other monetary assistance, you will be eligible to apply for this fund.
Legitimate cases of termination and hardship will be assessed and verified by a medical social worker and or staff from Action for AIDS.
How much subsidy will a successful applicant be eligible for?
A total amount of $500 per month for up to 3 months will be provided towards living expenses.
How to apply?
Applicants can pick up an application form at the Action for AIDS office, or request a form via email.
HIV is a business issue, and your involvement today can help us stop the spread of ignorance and unfair treatment towards those living with HIV. Let us start working together towards the goal of zero new infections, zero deaths, and zero stigma and discrimination.
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Media Contact person –
Avin Tan
Action for AIDS Singapore
Advocacy & Partnerships Manager
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +65 9180 4782
Ending Workplace Discrimination
and Launch of an Emergency Care Fund
Persons Living with HIV Infection should have Equal Opportunity for Employment
I’m graduating from university and will be looking for a job, so one thing that constantly worries me is the declaration of medical status in job applications. I know that concealing my HIV+ status is wrong and may come back to haunt me if I need employee health insurance one day, but I really dare not disclose it without reassurance that I won’t be discriminated against during recruitment. – Alex C, Student, PLHIV, 25 Years Old
Workplaces, from small and medium enterprises to large conglomerates, can play a crucial part in stopping discrimination against PLWHA in Singapore. HIV may seem like an uncommon and distant condition that has nothing to do with work, but in actual fact, HIV is a very important workplace issue. Increasing the awareness of HIV, and the acceptance of PLHIVs must be considered as part of a company’s wider framework of diversity and inclusion.
Having a job is at the top of everyone’s mind, whether or not the person is living with HIV. The challenge of being gainfully employed without the fear of being sacked because of one’s HIV infection must be addressed if we want to effectively control HIV in Singapore. HIV infection is a chronic treatable condition, and it should not be used as a reason to discriminate.
A person living with HIV and on optimal anti-HIV treatment can live as long as persons without HIV infection. They can work as well as persons without HIV infection. We urge companies to adopt the SNEF guidelines on HIV in the Workplace. Employers will also be sending a clear message that their company practices meritocracy and values an employee’s skills and work ethic above all else.
“I got diagnosed with HIV infection before enlistment and was exempted from NS. I worry when my future employers and colleagues question me about my NS exemption. I’m scared I get assessed by how well I’m coping with my health rather than my competency with work.” – Brandon Tan, Freelance Designer, PLHIV, 22 Years old
Companies such as Johnson and Johnson have demonstrated that comprehensive policies are effective at addressing stigma and discrimination in this area and it is committed to ensuring all staff can enjoy a workplace that is free from discrimination, harassment and retaliation. The grounds which discrimination is prohibited includes race, gender, sexual orientation and HIV status, amongst others. Education also plays an important role for the Company, including hosting a World Aids Day event on 27 November 2017 to raise awareness and funds.
Businesses also have access to valuable resources and networks that can potentially help to influence and scale up the impact of HIV education programmes, and ultimately tackle head-on the stigma and discrimination. These steps will be vitally important in reducing the spread of HIV, by reducing the fear and shame surrounding the condition, and encouraging people to learn more, protect themselves, test early, and seek treatment early.
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Media Contact person –
Avin Tan
Action for AIDS Singapore
Advocacy & Partnerships Manager
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +65 9180 4782

Plenty have changed since, HIV is no longer a terminal illness, and is a manageable chronic illness. Pop over to our knowledge base to learn something new.

Volunteers are one of the most important resources for our organisation. They are the life of all our programmes, the heart and soul of our organisation. Without their dedication and hard work, nothing we do would be possible.

Anonymous HIV-testing enables early detection and treatment. Financial assistance provides help for those in need. Support groups and counselling help infected and affected individuals cope with HIV infection and close the gap between diagnosis and care.
Spread the word
Dr. Wong Chen Seong, Executive Committee Member of AfA & Consultant Infectious Diseases Physician at the newly formed National Centre for Infectious Diseases talks about why it is important for Singapore to have an open discussion about HIV & AIDS.
Pioneer HIV Advocate, Iris Verghese, shares her story about caring for the first case of HIV in Singapore with Calvin Tan, who was recently diagnosed with HIV. Much has changed, yet many remain unchanged.
Choosing empathy when those around you spread fear. Peer leader Calvin shares his story about being HIV positive. How can we be there for those who were not ready to share their status?