Launched in 2011, the Mobile Testing Service (MTS) is an extension and expansion of AfA’s Anonymous Testing Service (ATS). A community project, MTS aims to make anonymous HIV testing more accessible and convenient to members of the public. The MTS provides anonymous HIV testing in various areas around Singapore.
All testing is by walk-in basis. No appointment-booking required
Wet weather notice:
As MTS is often conducted at outdoor carparks, MTS sessions may be cancelled due to bad weather. Cancellation notices will be posted on our Facebook or Instagram stories, and our MTS Telegram channel.
HIV 4th Generation – $45
HIV 3rd Generation – $35
HIV Self-testing Kit – $22
MTS Telegram Channel
Join our MTS Telegram channel for quick updates
Testing Process
Our volunteers are strategically placed near the van. Approach one of these friendly volunteers if you would like to find out more about testing, window period or information about HIV and other STIs. Let them know if you would like to take a test, and they will help you through the next few steps.
You will be asked to fill up an anonymous questionnaire to help our counsellor understand you a little better. Once it is completed, the coordinator will direct you to the van.
Proceed to the van with the completed anonymous questionnaire for counselling.
For the purpose of doing an HIV risk assessment, the counsellor will ask some personal questions about your sexual risk behavior. Some notes may be taken down on the form, but this will remain anonymous and confidential. Rest assured that all information provided is kept anonymous and confidential.
You should take this opportunity to ask your counsellor any questions you have about HIV, safer sex or sexual health.
The counsellor will then perform the test procedure:
Your finger will be pricked by the volunteer pricker to get a few drops of blood for the HIV test strip.
Only sterile and disposable equipment are used for this procedure, including gloves, needles, test strips, and cotton wool. The counsellor will assign a unique serial number and a receipt to you.
Your test result should be ready in at least 20 mins.
Stay at the location to wait for your result. Once the result is ready, you will be called to enter the van and you will be informed of your result. The volunteer will answer any questions you have before you leave.
Linkage to Care: All clients who test positive are offered a Linkage to Care service. AfA facilitates the first appointment for the client at a public hospital in Singapore for HIV treatment and subsidises the cost of the first visit.