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MSM: Men Who Have Sex with Men

MSM: Men Who Have Sex with Men

MSM: Men Who Have Sex with Men

Programme background

The objective of our Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) programme is to broaden the reach and strengthen the effectiveness of HIV prevention, testing and treatment education among MSM in Singapore. Through educational and outreach activities, we aim to provide MSM with the necessary information and knowledge on healthy sexuality to reduce the incidence of high-risk sexual activities. In addition, we strive to improve the rate of voluntary testing among MSM by offering regular access to free or affordable testing services. Lastly, we  seek to  support MSM to expand their HIV prevention toolkit by promoting consistent condom use as well as encouraging the use of PrEP. AfA works with various community partners and stakeholders to target  at-risk MSM and lower new HIV infections  among them.

Gayhealth Logo is a service offered within the MSM programme that aims to improve the sexual health of the Gay/Bi/MSM community through online engagement, advocacy and empowerment. Our online campaigns are usually anchored by videos that we produce to raise (or) covering HIV awareness and prevention, coupled with social media content aimed at improving knowledge about HIV prevention and testing The content is designed to attract MSM viewers while ensuring that sexual health information is tailored to this specific audience and their needs.


Pink Carpet Y (PCY) is a resource centre for young Gay, Bisexual, Queer or Questioning (GBQ) men 29 years old and below. This is a peer-led programme that is run by young GBQ men and aims to support those who may have questions about their sexuality and/or sexual health. By applying our core values of Honesty, Integrity and Respect, the programme makes sure it remains a safe space for  all participants.
As a resource centre, participants can access the following services:

  • Drop-In Centre
  • Life Skills Workshops
  • Social Gatherings
  • Peer Counselling
  • Free HIV/Syphilis Tests*

*Free tests are only provided to those who attend our programme and are 29 years old and below (newcomers, students, NSFs and unemployed).

Capacity Building workshops

Workshops organised by the MSM programme team aim to provide a platform for MSM to get access to reliable information and better understand how their psychosocial issues can have an impact on their sexual health. Guest speakers with the relevant domain knowledge are invited to share various topics that range from HIV and STI prevention to common mental health issues faced by MSM. Past workshop topics have included Body Image Issues, Substance Use and Common STIs that can affect MSM.

Pink Carpet Testing Service

Pink Carpet is a sexual health service operating within the AfA Anonymous Test Site (ATS) for GBQ (Gay, Bi, Questioning/Queer) men. This service is entirely run by dedicated volunteers who  identify themselves as gay or bi men. Our volunteers have received extensive training provided by AfA, and follow a strict protocol that places  our client’s comfort, safety and anonymity as  a priority. Besides the HIV test, the Pink Carpet service also offers Syphilis, Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea tests.

Operating Hours

Tues & Wed: 6:30 to 8:15 PM
Sat: 1.30-3.15PM
The clinic is closed  on the eve of Public Holidays and on Public Holidays.


As the MSM population remains largely hidden in Singapore, outreach programmes targeting MSM have to be both deliberate and strategic. The MSM programme team works very closely with community partners and stakeholders to make HIV prevention materials as well as testing services easily available and accessible by as many MSM as possible.

Club Outreach

This is one of our key programmes designed to reach out to MSM who patronise bars and clubs around the Tanjong Pagar / Neil Road area. These establishments are known among the community for being MSM-friendly. As part of our efforts to normalise and encourage regular testing among the MSM community, the programme provides free monthly anonymous HIV tests and sexual health counselling to those in the vicinity. Our team also distributes HIV educational collaterals and condoms to the community. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, live shows were regularly staged at the clubs where performers would entertain patrons while sharing information about HIV prevention in a fun and engaging way.