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Window Period

The window period is the time between actual infection and the point when a test will reliably give an accurate result. Testing before the end of the window period may give you false negative results.

The type of HIV test you should take depends on when your last potential exposure to HIV was.

Last Exposure HIV Gen 4 HIV Gen 3 HIV Self-Test Kit
At least 14 days (2 weeks) ago    
At least 21 days (3 weeks) ago  
At least 45 days (1.5 months) ago

After 90 days (3 months), all the HIV rapid tests we offer give highly accurate results.

You are therefore able to do your HIV test at our clinic after 14 days (2 weeks) after a risky exposure, then confirm your status once more at the 90-day (3 months) mark. If you are unsure, our onsite counsellors will advise you on the most appropriate tests for you.