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Not just men to carry condoms anymore

Press Room

Not just men to carry condoms anymore

A new six-month campaign has kicked off in various pubs to educate young single women about protecting themselves against HIV infection. Action for Aids (AFA), a non-government organisation, is behind this campaign.

According to the Ministry of Health, one in two women infected with HIV last year was between 20 and 39 years old.

AFA believes this group of young women is most vulnerable and will work with nightspots such as Club Momo and the Ministry of Sound to reach out to young single women, many of whom spend much of their time at clubs. The campaign aims to educate the women about the importance of safe sex and the right to ask the men to use protection.

“We’re trying to tell women not to be shy (about) keeping a condom handy, in your handbag and within reach. It doesn’t mean that the woman is saying, ‘I’m looking for sex’ or that she’s a slut. It’s just to be safe,” said Ms Braema Mathi, vice-president of AFA.

During the campaign, condoms will be distributed at the participating clubs.

– Channel NewsAsia