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Annual General Meeting 2014

Press Room

Annual General Meeting 2014

Annual General Meeting 2014

Dear Members,

we’re pleased to inform you that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2014 of Action for AIDS Singapore will be held on:Date: 

29 August 2014 (Friday)

Time: 7.30 pm (Registration will start at 7 pm)

Venue: 9 Kelantan Lane, #05-01, Singapore 2086282.

1. Agenda :

a. To confirm the minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2013 of the organisation;

b. To adopt the audited financial statements of the organisation for the financial year ended 31 December 2013;

c. To adopt the annual report of the organisation for the financial year ended 31 December 2013;

d. To appoint the Auditors 2014;

e. Election of office bearers 2014;

f.  Any other business.

2. If you would like to table an item for discussion, kindly submit details to the Hon. Secretary, by Monday 25 August 2014.

3. The FY2013 Annual Report and Statement of Account will be made available on the date of AGM.

4. Please indicate your attendance by returning the Attendance Reply Slip or email us by 25 August 2014.

5. We would be happy to assist if you require any clarification. Please do not hesitate to contact us at 6254 0212 or email: [email protected]

6. We look forward to your continued support and hope to see you at the AGM.


Yours Sincerely,

Ms Dawn Mok
Hon Secretary