HIV self-test kits to be available under national programme from Aug 1 as infections fall further
AfA Media Statement on Release of MoH HIV Statistics
The recently released MoH HIV statistics are heartening news for the HIV community. For the first time, we are seeing a significant decline in HIV numbers which have remained at over 400 for the past 10 years . This is encouraging news and to AfA it is a testament that our current strategies are working. This includes HIV education outreach to key affected populations, improved access to HIV Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) as an alternative prevention option and increased efforts by workplaces to create supportive and accepting working environments among others.
However, much remains to be done. The statistics continue to show that late diagnosis is still a problem and rates of voluntary testing continue to be abysmally low at only 14%. More concerted efforts from all stakeholders are needed to promote HIV testing and reduce all barriers to testing by particularly addressing the pervasive stigma around HIV and structural barriers that continue to perpetuate stigma and discrimination of persons living with HIV and those affected by it.
AfA along with other community partners has developed a blueprint to end HIV in Singapore with community led strategies for scaling up HIV testing and prevention. Sustained and committed efforts will be needed from all if we are to build on this momentum and end HIV in Singapore.
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