联合早报 – HIV感染者盼获更多职场法律保障 / People Living with HIV Hope to Get More Legal Protection in the Workplace

HIV感染者盼获更多职场法律保障 / People Living with HIV Hope to Get More Legal Protection in the Workplace – Article published by 联合早报 (Lianhe Zaobao)
As long as ignorance about HIV persists, People Living with HIV may experience discrimination in the workplace. PLHIV may be unfairly rejected from job applications, be denied opportunities, experience marginalisation from co-workers, or be unfairly dismissed. This could be over uneducated misconceptions such as that HIV can be spread easily through proximity, or that having HIV will severely impair someone from carrying out their duties, or that it is a negative mark on one’s character.
In this article, Calvin Tan shares with Lianhe Zaobao some of his experiences as a person living with HIV. In addition, industry and ministry representatives provide insights on HIV-related discrimination in the workplace, and how HIV awareness, the knowledge of Undetectable = Untransmittable, and fair employment measures are all important in reducing workplace stigmatisation.